Salangfisk AS was founded in 1979 by Odd Bekkeli. Since then, the company has changed its name to Salaks, and has grown to become a solid and leading player in salmon production. From home-made equipment in the 1980s to today's investments in advanced technology, its history and the company's focus reflect on development, sustainability and proximity to the local community.
Odd Bekkeli established Salangfisk AS.
Salangfisk AS received its first licence for hatchery fish. The permit concerned the production of 500,000 pieces per year.
A number of concessions were announced for food fish along the coast. At that time, only one permit was granted per person or company. Odd Bekkeli applied for and received his first concession for salmon. In the same year, he put fish in the sea.
Odd Bekkeli established Salaks AS which was to produce food fish in Rotvika, in Salangen Municipality.
Salaks AS built its own harvesting facilities in Rotvika in the municipality of Salangen. Since then, so to speak, all our salmon have been harvested here.
Salaks AS received its second salmon concession. It was from this application process that the Astafjord project arose. Salaks AS also received its third salmon concession later this year. This was acquired together with Rølaks AS. Salaks later bought out Rølaks AS.
Salaks AS received its fourth concession for salmon. Later this year, Salaks also received its fifth concession for salmon. It was purchased in the municipality of Karlsøy.
Salaks AS was awarded a green concession, the most important measure of which involved exposing large-smolt into the sea. This means an increased production and a better utilization of MTB (maximum allowable biomass). It was put into use in 2016.
Salaks AS had its own well boat until spring 2015, when a partnership was established with our neighbours, Gratanglaks AS and Kleiva Fiskefarm AS to own and operate a well boat company.
This permit is for the new recycling plant at Salangsverket that will produce large smolt.
The concept is intended to help solve the industry's environmental and land challenges, and is a completely new type of production technology.
Salangfisk AS gets a new location at Salangsverket and starts production of large smolt. This is to ensure quality and increase future production. Its budgeted production capacity is six million large-smolts a year, over 10 times more than previous output of 500,000.
Work on the realization of the project is fully underway.
Establishment of onshore flow at five marine sites and Fjord Hybrid® at two marine sites. We get ASC certificate at two sea locations.
Purchases permits of 2258 tonnes in the Danish Fisheries Directorate's auction round. A big boost for the company.
We are deploying our first Stingray lice lasers at food fish sites, and are partnering with Senja High School to operate a teaching permit. This agreement has a duration of 10 years.
Salaks appears in a “new” suit and all companies become subject to the same umbrella.
We enter into an agreement with Stingray for the purchase of additional lasers. By the summer we will have a total of 90 lasers distributed at our food fish facilities.